Thoughts Become Things

Friday, April 30, 2010

Touchy 4/30/2010

The other day I used the bathroom at a local store, and was washing my hands at the sink, when a woman opened the door to enter the restroom. She glanced in, saw me, and said "Oh!", and shut the door. Then she opened the door again, and when she did, I said "Yes, this IS the ladies' room. I'm a woman, not a man. Chemo will do that to you." She then entered the rest room--without a word. While I understand that I don't look very feminine these days--butch hair (not quite 3/8" long), no eyelashes and sparse brows, and tall, I must admit that, of any personal interaction I've had since the beginning of this strange odyssey, that was the most hurtful. Onward.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Settling Down 4/24/2010

Since my last post, there's really not been much to report on. That alone is probably newsworthy as far as I'm concerned. I thought it amusing that when I went in for my blood test yesterday, the person in the lab asked me to go across the street for the blood draw, where Jen was working. Jen has always been able to get a blood sample on the first try. Sure enough, no problemo this week. BTW-my INR is 2.4 (should be between 2 and 3). That's the first time it's been in that range.

Radiation is going fine. I had to miss one yesterday because the radiation machine was being worked on. So that puts my last day on radiation at May 18.

I've been feeling really well lately, as I feel my stamina coming back. Outings at the gym have been more vigorous, even though these days I've got to be careful about the lymphedema. Physical therapy has been useful, in that I've been showed ways to manage the lymphedema for the rest of my life--manual lymphatic drainage, scar massage, and stretching techniques. I've been instructed on stuff like measuring my fingers, hand, and arm to track the lymphedema. Very funky.

I just recently got a nice webcam, and would like to invite you to skype. You download a little piece of software, set up an account, hook up your webcam, and you can make free video calls to other skype members. My username is evaskid. I'll be seeing you!

PS--the eyes are still watering!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Vasovagal syncope 4/15/2010

I'm learning so many new words these days, it's amazing. Not that I really wanted to learn them.

After radiation this morning, I went to the lab in the oncology building to have blood drawn for my PT/INR (coumadin dosage testing). Arrived at 8:40 and I was called in almost immediately. Lately, because I can only have blood draws from my left arm (because of lymphedema in the right), the nurses have been having trouble finding a good vein that isn't "beaten up". The nurse that usually has the most success wasn't in today. But everyone else in the lab is experienced, and I had no doubt I'd be out of there pronto. Silly me...

Since I have a blood clot on my left side, they typically insert the needle without a tourniquet. First stick--no success. Second stick---no success. Nurse #2: third stick--no success. Fourth stick--no success. By this time, I was gritting my teeth. I'm not a fan of needles. Nurse #3 tried at my wrist instead of in the crook of my arm. While she was trying to get a draw, I suddenly felt really lightheaded, and knew I was going to faint. I told this to the nurses, and in a flash, I was moved to the floor, sweating, and breathing shallow. When I opened my eyes, there was an EMT standing over me asking questions. As soon as I sat back up, I felt better. Even so, they took me by ambulance to the hospital down the street, where they did an EKG and were finally able to get a blood draw (INR 1.98). Since everything else looked fine, I was released at 12:15. Diagnosis: vasovagal syncope.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This has nothing to do with this blog...

...but I got a kick out of it and wanted to share it without sending email.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

It's all about the lymphedema 4/10/2010

When I woke up this morning, my right hand was blown up significantly more than yesterday. I do hope I don't get to the point where I can't make a fist. As it is, the skin feels tight on my hand, and my arm is somewhat painful.  I wear a compression sleeve 24/7 and may have to wear a compression glove as well. Otherwise, it's all good. Radiation does not seem to affect me negatively so far. It's at a time that allows me to get to work at the time I would normally get there.

The hair is coming back in, too. It's weird because it's coming in well everywhere except for the front top. I'm told that that's not unusual. IT BETTER NOT BE!! It would be too much of a cruel joke for me to share in  Dumais male pattern baldness!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Itchy! 4/1/2010

When I went to the surgeon on Monday for my check up, I mentioned to her that one of the stitches was sticking out and was a bit scratchy. She said that it was no problem to snip the stitch, which she proceeded to do.  To be extra careful, she applied antibiotic and 2 small steri-strips.

Yesterday, just before bed, I mentioned to Ray that the steri-strip area was very itchy, and, for that matter red, and the red surrounded the area to which she had applied the strips. By this morning, the itching was intense, and the red area bigger. Fearing that any infection might interfere with radiation, this morning I called the surgeon's office for advice. Their response was that I should come on in right away before radiation, so they could inspect the area.

It turns out that I am allergic to the adhesive that she used to adhere the steri-strips. The strips are gone now, but the itch remains, and hopefully will diminish with time.

Radiation is a piece of cake. You check in, change into a hospital robe, wait a few minutes in the lounge, go in and lay on a table with your arms over your head for a few minutes, get up, get dressed and leave. The whole process takes about 15 minutes.

I start PT next Wednesday with a lymphedema specialist.

BTW--my hair is starting to come back--not so much that it would keep my head warm, or that you'd mistake it for anything other than fuzz, or that I'd have to worry about clogging up my bathtub drain with it when I wash my head, but it is coming back all the same. It's maybe 1/4" long now--Maybe I'll wear it in a ponytail tomorrow!!