Thoughts Become Things

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Maybe not 6/15/2010

For the first time in treatment for breast cancer, I am seriously considering stopping treatment. I have researched this new drug they want me to take, and, considering the potential side effects, I am inclined to stop. As it is, I will wait a bit, consider things, and make a final decision after we get back from out west at the end of July. When is the cure worse than the disease?

A new wrinkle 6/15/2010

Just when I thought that I was on the verge of being able to leave medications and treatment behind, I find out that the next phase of treatment is hormone therapy in the form of a drug: Arimidex. Damn. This was a real surprise to find out that there was another step. I'll have to take this pill for 5 years. The potential side-effects (from WebMD) are  "Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, loss of appetite, body aches and pains, breast swelling/tenderness/pain, headache, dry mouth, scratchy throat, increased cough, dizziness, trouble sleeping, tiredness/weakness, flushing and sweating (hot flashes/hot flushes), vaginal bleeding, hair thinning, and weight change can occur. " Sounds cool, huh? But it's only for 5 years. I am not happy right now.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A startling realization 6/10/2010

I just realized yesterday that this is the first week since late August of last year, that I have not had a doctor's appointment, blood draw, and/or medical test. Amazing!

My coumadin level is still not normalized, though. But I feel great, the eyes are watering less, my hair is growing back in (though I won't be mistaken for Cher anytime soon), and I can see little, tiny, itty-bitty eyelashes on my lower lids. And I am getting psyched for our upcoming trip out west!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Waiting for the answers 6/3/2010

When I was at the oncologist a week ago, I asked how long I'd have to be on Coumadin. When the clot was found in January, I was told I'd have to take it for at least 6 months. My question last week was: does the 6 months start at the time I get regulated to a certain dose? Or did the clock start ticking on that day in January?

Also, I had asked what my follow-up plan was, now that treatment has, for the most part (excepting Herceptin), ended. And is there any way to know if all the chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation of the last 7 months actually ridded my body of the cancer? The doctor that saw me on the 25th was not my usual, and he did not know me. He said to wait til Dr. Brown came back from vacation to get those answers.

She came back from vacation on Monday, and I had been expecting a call with my answers. The call that came was from one of the nurses there, who told me that Dr. Brown would discuss that with me on my next visit: June 15. So much for timely answers.