Thoughts Become Things

Friday, May 26, 2017

Disappointment--and more waiting 5/26/2017

Today's doctor of choice was the Neuro-Opthalmologist to whom I was referred by the Opthalmologist. My appointment (the soonest I could get) had me arriving at 7:40 a.m., after a drive of slightly more than an hour. No problem.

I had anticipated that this guy would test me and determine that what I needed was fresnel lens glasses (see previous post), prescribe them, and send me on my way. What actually happened is that he wants me to wait a month to see if my eyes improve, at which time, if they haven't, he will prescribe the glasses. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but it sure was to me. Another month of seeing 2 of everything. Another month of having to be driven around by Ray. Another month of watching TV with an eye patch...which I will do, and hone my patience skills. 

Thursday, May 18, 2017

19 and Counting... 5/18/2017

Finally went to an Opthalmologist today to address the double vision issue. I see fine out of each eye individually, but when both eyes are open, I see two of everything at a distance. Close up, I see one image with both eyes, so at least I can read. I'd really love to be able to drive, so I'd like to get this cleared up. I had been hoping that vasculitis treatment would take care of the eye issue, but that may not happen. So today I went to a well-regarded opthalmologist to see what could be done.

After having my eyes dilated like a startled owl:

(see the likeness?--This was taken at least 2 hours after the exam...)

bright lights shone directly into my eyeballs, and multiple other tests, I finally met the esteemed doctor who essentially said that I need to see another specialist for a strabismus evaluation. This guy wants to look at the Ophthalmologist's clinical notes before he will agree to see me. If I am worthy, I will get an appointment with him. The probable outcome would be that I would get fresnel prism glasses similar to those Hillary Clinton wears (click to see a larger image):
So, the waiting continues. I'm still waiting to hear from the rheumatologist about timing for chemo. Oh--and the reference to 19 and counting is the number of doctors I have seen since coming to FL, most for the vasculitis issue (one is my dentist, though...)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Finally--the Rheumatologist 5/16/2017

The picture doesn't have anything to do with the post, it just makes me smile to see Grayson!
Back at the end of March when I was diagnosed with vasculitis, I was referred by the treating nephrologist (kidney doctor) to a rheumatologist.  I wasn't crazy about the guy he recommended, so I found another one that I liked, and made an appointment. The soonest I could get in was May 16th. I looked forward to that appointment with great eagerness, because, while the nephrologist could treat me for my failing kidneys, the rheumatologist could prescribe the best treatment for the actual vasculitis condition. BUT!!! On May 11th, I got a call from the doc's office with whom I had the appointment for the 16th, telling me he was cancelling all new patient appointments and moving them out to early July. JULY!!!!!! After making calls to several other rheumatologists, I found that the news from them was even worse: either they didn't take my insurance, or they were now booking out to the end of July. In desperation, I called the original referral, and he squeezed me in for today, a blessing.

While I can't say I''m thrilled with the doctor, I am greatly relieved that I am now on a course that will get me the drug I need to treat the vasculitis.

That drug is an IV infusion, given once a week for 4 hours over 4 weeks (at least that is what I gathered from my visit today). If  it can knock down this condition, one month of nastiness is a small price to pay.

Here's hoping that my upcoming blood work shows that my kidneys are continuing to improve, and that my anemia is receding! I see an RV trip in my future.....