Today we set off for the west side of Glacier via the Going to the Sun Road. The closer we approached Logan Pass (the high point on the road), the cloudier it got. Many of the peaks were shrouded in clouds. In numerous spots, waterfalls cascaded over the road, and in some of those places, the road was eroded. It was for that reason (and many others) that the Park Service is in the process of road repair. Since the road is so narrow, they have lane closures that result in single lane traffic and traffic stoppages. It was directly after the flow of traffic on the westbound side started moving, that we spotted a mountain goat on the road--not just on the road, but right next to the car. Ray snapped the picture you see here.
For anyone who has never driven the GTTS Road, it is a 2 lane road that is barely wide enough in some spots to fit two cars side by side. Take into account that some drivers, spooked by the fact that they are driving VERY close to the edge of the mountain, drive over the center double line, and it makes for an interesting experience. So while you're dodging the rocks that jut out into the roadway (I mean, you can actually reach out and touch the rocks on the passenger side as you drive by), you need to be aware of the louts that can't stay on their own side of the road. Dad, you'd love this!
Over on the west side, we stopped at the area called Avalanche Lake. The 2.9 mile trail (one way) follows the Avalanche Creek gorge, winding upwards through the forest until it reaches the foot of Avalanche Lake. The lake is rimmed with steep cliffs on three sides with numerous waterfalls cascading downward from the hanging cirque valley formed by Sperry Glacier. Once on the trail, it felt very much like NH--deep forest. The lake at the end was quite spectacular, though, that typical Glacier aqua water.
After our hike, we stopped at the Lake McDonald Lodge, a designated historic site. This was one of the first lodges for the rich travelers who came by railroad to visit Glacier.
We ended the day at our KOA cabin in West Glacier. Since we had no dinner food left from our shopping foray at Great Falls, we had a dinner at the KOA. They offer a barbecue dinner (steak, corn on the cob , baked potato) for less than most restaurants and equal or better quality, and you can chat with the guy cooking your steak. Good deal.
Man we're pooped.
Til tomorrow...
See photos of the day here.
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