Our destination today was Page, Arizona, located in northeastern Arizona, about a three hour drive from Cannonville (our camping spot for the last 3 nights). We drove south on route 89, which took us through some interesting country. We traveled through small towns, desert and fantastic scenery. We saw a horse completely prone on the ground in his corral, and learned that this is not unusual for horses. We passed a gas station with the highest price we've seen yet for unleaded gas $4.349 per gallon. And we passed through Red Rock Canyon-- beautiful. Shortly after we crossed the Utah-Arizona border, we arrived at Glen Canyon Dam. Construction of this dam was started in 1956. It regulates the flow of water in the Colorado River and created LakePowell behind it.
We stopped at the visitor center and took the tour into and onto the dam. The young lady who led the tour did a superb job explaining both the history and function of the dam. We learned that the town of Page was created to house workers constructing the dam. Prior to the dam construction, the area was wilderness. Its 17 square mile site was obtained from the Navajo tribe in exchange for other land they wanted. Great tour from the top of the dam down to the generator room.
From the parking area off Route 89, we followed the sandy trail down to the lookout point that stands
1000 feet above the river. So beautiful!
Our next stop was one of utility. Low on groceries, we shopped at the local Safeway, then returned to the trailer where we relaxed outside with a glass of wine. A trailer pulled in and set up a few sites away from ours, and the travelers then set their chairs up for evening beverages as well. While I set off to snap a few pictures of the gorgeous sunset, Ray engaged the newly arrived couple in conversation. It turns out that one of the woman's sisters went to BC, one to Regis, and she had gone to Boston State (Ray and I both took classes at Boston State). Small world!
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