Thoughts Become Things

Monday, August 15, 2016

Done for now 8/15/2016

As we head home (odd to be heading south...), I can't help but think about these last six weeks, and what we've seen. We've passed by Michigan and Minnesota fields of soybeans, Montana's wheat and canola fields, Kansas corn and sorghum, Georgia pecan and peach groves, and Florida orange groves. We've hiked at 8800 feet and at 300 feet elevation, and lots in between. We started in humidity, traveled through moderation to dry climates, and back.

We learned a lot about the ins and outs of RV travel along the way. We laughed at our screwups (hopefully the Elantra will survive them!), and the value of making checklists.  We found out why our refrigerator never needed defrosting (wonderful!). We know that traveling this way takes longer and also that we've got to take a  bigger step ladder with us to clean the windshield when we stop to get gas.

We reaffirmed our affection for Kansas and Missouri (our unabashed love of Montana needs no affirmation...).

We met some cool people as well, most of them fellow RVers, others just fellow travelers (like the biker who almost drowned in St. Mary Lake at Glacier the day before we met).

And we're already making plans for a trip out west next summer, and many more smaller trips in between.

Having spent all of 10 days in our new home in Florida before this trip, yesterday, as we drove south through Georgia toward Florida, he put it well: "We're on our way to a new life." Another adventure. Can't wait.

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