After a wonderful rest that caught us both up after the previous night's few hours of sleep, we were up just before 7:00 a.m. Breakfast here was a selection of cereal and fruit, hard boiled eggs, bagels and toast and pastries.
By the time we got to Denali, it was misty and rainy, and went to our hotel to check in. Since our room wasn't ready yet, we headed to Denali to get tickets for the bus out to Eielson Visitor center
Lucky, one of these beautiful dogs, and my favorite |
tomorrow. While there, we heard about and decided to go to the late sled dog demo in the park. At the sled dog station, rangers explained that since Denali is a designated wilderness area, no motorized vehicles can be used there in the winter (or off-road any time of year). So Denali hosts the only sled dog station in all the park service units. At the demo, the rangers teamed up 4 dogs on a motorized sled to show us how they work together. They explained how the dogs were trained and for what tasks in the team. And what beautiful dogs they were! After the demonstration, we were allowed to walk among and pat and interact with the dogs who were by then chained to their houses. All of them were howling and jumping around at the presence of a squirrel up a nearby tree. We really enjoyed this experience.
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