Thoughts Become Things

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Iceland day 1, June 24, 2024


We left from Rochester's airport at what was supposed to be 6:25 pm (turned out to be more like 7 pm) and flew to JFK, where we got to cool our heels for what was supposed to be 3 1/2 hours, but turned out to be 4 1/2 hours. 

We picked up our car and set off for Thingvellir National Park. It’s the place where the North American and European tectonic plates meet. There's a spectacular gorge there, where the earth's crust is literally being torn apart. It was free to get in, but the parking costs a little over $7. Seemed a bit a a rip off. I'd almost rather pay to get in...

Anyway, we enjoyed the walk through the gorge,  and around the lake. The deepest part of the lake is below sea level.

Iceland's countryside is unique. It looks like grass covered bubbles in places, and is very green. For the most part, from what we've seen,  there are very few trees, just bushes or scraggly little trees. There are purple masses of lupines everywhere, and lots of wildflowers. 

We discovered that the fan in our rental car only works on high. So you get nothing or you get blown out. Other than that it's OK. 

We're staying in a small town in the south called Hella, at a nice small hotel. The rooms all over Iceland other than in Reykjavik are small. I made sure I booked all with a private bath. That's not a given here. All the reading I had done said that everyone speaks English here. That seems to be the case. 

We ate in the hotel's restaurant for dinner. Breakfast that was included in our room rate was there as well. Man, the price of food is ridiculous! 

We were absolutely zonked by the time we took showers and turned out the lights (it was still light out). The sun sets at 11:30ish and rises at 3:00ish.

Pictures are here:

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