Thoughts Become Things

Thursday, November 19, 2009

3 down, 3 to go 11/19/2009

Yesterday started the same as the last 2 treatments--waiting, waiting, waiting. I got to see the oncologist about an hour after my appointment. 45 minutes later, I started my infusion. I had expected to make a few work calls, and then watch a movie, and maybe take a snooze. I landed up doing work on the phone and computer for the entire session. I was all done by 3:45. And Ray, sweetie that he is, brought flowers when he came to pick me up, even against my admonitions that he did not have to do that EVERY time.

I did have an interesting conversation with the attending nurse. I had mentioned to her that I had received a letter from my insurance company saying that they were not going to pay for a $3260.00 chemotherapy service without further information from the oncology office. When I got the letter, I thought, "What's the question?--I have breast cancer, I'm getting chemo, right?" Not so fast. It turns out that the charge was not for the chemo itself, but for the Neulasta shot I get the day after to boost my white blood cell count. $3260 for 1 shot??? $3260 for 1 shot!!! Apparently, the insurance companies require a separate approval for those shots. But they will pay it because that's cheaper than dealing with the possible complications caused by neutropenia (low white blood cell count). Don't those pharma companies have everyone by the short hairs???

My oncologist has ordered a sinus CT to see what may be going on there. I have constantly puffy and watering eyes.

Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers. Keep them coming, because things seem to be moving positively. Love to you all.

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