Thoughts Become Things

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Crash after the steroids 11/22/2009

The day before, the day of and the day after chemo (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday), I take steroids, as an anti-nausea defense. The steroids not only do that, but also give a little buzz, that keeps you feeling pretty good and peppy...that is, until they wear off. It appears that my wear-off time is the Saturday after chemo. On Friday, I worked and went to the gym as usual--2.5 miles on the treadmill and some stretching and lifting weights. On Saturday, I got up, ate breakfast, showered, dressed, and...went back to bed. To say that I had little energy would be overstating the situation. A major effect of the chemo for me has been that my eyes are puffy and constantly water. And I do mean they well up so that the tears flow. It seems like that situation is getting more acute the further into treatment I go. That metal taste is strongest starting on Saturday as well, and I just can't get enough Orbitz gum and Pep-o-Mints to take the taste away. I'm keeping acid stomach at bay with Zantac.

Today I do feel better, and expect that Saturday's lethargy will fade as the days go by. I just need to flush all those poisons out of my system.

1 comment:

Steve said...

Always thinking of you and in my prayers. Stay strong and remember
thta God loves you.