Thoughts Become Things

Sunday, May 23, 2010

UTI 5/23/2010

Because of the inattention of the oncology office to my PT/INR numbers (obtained from blood tests to regulate coumadin levels), I asked that my PCP take over that responsibility. Also, my PCP is about a mile from where I live, as opposed to the 30 minute drive I'd have to make to Nashua for them to draw and analyze. As it was, I had to chase the doctor or NP down to find out what dosage of coumadin I should be taking. They were asking me what dosage I was taking. Not good. So hopefully all that will change, now that a smaller and more personal office will be taking charge of that. I had a draw on Friday, and will probably find out tomorrow what doage I should be taking.

All that is against the backdrop of having found out that I have a UTI (urinary tract infection). The antibiotics I'm taking will hopefully not interact negatively with the coumadin. As it is, I've been on and off coumadin for 5 months, and they still don't have me regulated.

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