Thoughts Become Things

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Moving north to DC 6/17/2018

Our site at College Park, just outside of DC
As it was for an overnight stop only, we stayed in a KOA in Greensboro, SC, located right off I40. The good thing about the place is the location, RIGHT off I40. The bad thing is ...the location--RIGHT off I40. So traffic roared by within easy earshot of our RV. We could have walked 30 yards to the fence and waved at the trucks going by. To drown out most of the noise, though, we ran the AC and fan. That made the situation much better.

One thing we enjoyed as we traveled through SC and NC is that interstates here, in several places,
were planted on the medians and sides with large areas of wildflowers and day lilies. What a treat to see!

Traffic was moderate to heavy all the way, but several miles south of Fredericksburg, VA, traffic slowed to a crawl at a max of 30 mph. It sped up a few miles north of the city.

We sit high enough in the RV to get a panoramic view of the crazy drivers on the roads. It's the perfect place to watch the nutjobs weaving in and out of lanes of congestion, jockeying for a position
in a new lane that might be moving 2 mph faster than the one they're in.

Another note (what we've observed on other trips as well), is that our roads (interstates) are in abysmal condition. Driving around DC was a bone-jarring experience!

Lastly, we discovered when we arrived at our campground in College Park, MD, that our water pressure gauge had been left behind in Greensboro. That little piece of equipment makes sure that our water lines don't get blown out by high pressure from the fresh water spigot at the campground. A call to Greensboro confirmed that they had it. The plan is to have them mail it to Alex. We'll get it from him when we see him in a week.

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