Thoughts Become Things

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

RV Hall of Fame 6/27/2018

Off today towards Elkart, IN. The rain we left Milan, OH was bad enough, but Indiana upped the ante. As bad as other interstates are, at least so far, we think Indiana 80/90 wins the prize for worst road condition. Pits, bumps, and ridges cover the roadway. What the heck are they doing with their toll money?

We stopped at the RV Hall of Fame, an interesting look at how RVs have evolved over the last century.  From the 1916 fold in, slide in camper to the 1929 house car with the $35 optional driver's seat, there are a lot of interesting models to browse here. You can see how RVs have evolved from wooden houses on wheels to the versatile rolling apartments they are today.

Pictures here:

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