Thoughts Become Things

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Great Falls, MT 7/7-8/2018

Across the tallgrass prairie to the shortgrass prairie, we headed toward Montana. In Great Falls, we are staying in a KOA  not far on the outskirts of town. We set up, had a glass of wine and dinner, and then took a walk in the cooling evening. The campground hosts an entertainer named Richard Bird

Baker and his playing partner, Diane Stinger, who perform bluegrass, country, hillbilly, cowboy, civil war and a dozen other genres of music. So we wandered over there to listen. They were wonderful! This video is a sample of what we heard.
We enjoyed at least an hour of their unique sounds.

Sunday was laundry day. When we travel like this, I'm reminded of how lucky we are to have a washer and dryer at home. I really hate laundromats, but this was not one of the more obnoxious examples, and we were done in a reasonable amount of time.

We spent the afternoon at the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center in Great Falls, a place that explains the fascinating and immensely historically important journey of Lewis and Clark. From there we took
a few local farm roads to overlooks along the Missouri River to see the falls. When Lewis and Clark arrived at this point in their trip down the Missouri, they had heard from the local Indians that they would encounter waterfalls. They subsequently planned for one day to portage (carry their boats) around the falls. What they actually found here were 5 sets of gigantic falls. They had to carry their 6 boats 18 1/4 miles, and it took a month. We love being in these places that let us touch US history.

Photos of Great Falls here:

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