Thoughts Become Things

Friday, July 20, 2018

Ray and Carol's Excellent Adventure--the long and winding road 7/20/2018

Route 12
NH has route 101 and Route 93, Massachusetts has I90 , I495 and I95. Florida has I75, I4, and I95. Every state has a main north-south and/or east west road. Idaho has Routes 12 and 95. Do not confuse 95 with I95.

We knew seting out that it would be an interesting drive to get from Missoula, MT to Oxbow, OR, when Garmin (and Google) said it would take 7  hours to go 350 miles by car. With construction delays, and with the challenges of maneuvering a 28 foot RV pulling a 15 foot car, it actually took 8 hours. We knew that the 2-lane roads we would be traveling were designated "scenic". But the "thrill" is all in the experience of it. We started in the mountains that rose steeply from the Lochsa River on one side, and the road (Route 12) on the other. We wound around curves, climbing 6-7% inclines and descending those hills for 137 miles, and passing through 0 towns. We missed the turn we should have taken in Kooskia, ID, and knew we were in trouble when Garmin directed us to turn at MT 162,
Nez Perce reservation--wheat fields and harvester
and drew a route down MT old route 7. I get nervous whenever we have to take the RV on roads designated "old". As it happened, the route took us through the Nez Perce reservation--beautiful wheat fields on rolling hills. If you went to nowhere, drove 60 miles in any direction, took a left, and drove another 30 miles, that might describe this route. We had very little company on the road. But it was more ups and downs and curves. Finally, we arrived at route 95, Idaho's main north-south route on the west side of the state. What did 95 look like? More ups and downs on extremely steep, curvy roads.

The last turn for us was at route 71, a road that
would take us to our campground on the Snake River. We thought: "Awesome, this road looks straighter than 12 or 95!" Nay, nay!! If it's possible, 71 was curvier and steeper than the other 2 combined. Admittedly, it took us through some fantastic scenery, with views down to the Brownlee dam. But, wow! What a drive! Here are a few pictures from the drive--all through the windshield--there was no place to stop!

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