Thoughts Become Things

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Wet and Wild on the Snake River 7/21/2018

Thursday we set out to the dam again for our jet boat tour. The day was forecast to be hot (upper 90s), dry, and sunny--common for this area. We lucked out in that this tour only had a total of 8 people, including us.The jet boat? What a hoot! Both Ray and I got soaked going through the class 4 rapids.

We stopped at a small sandy area along the banks of the river to dip our feet in the water, or take a quick swim (2 adults and 2 kids actually swam in the cold water--not as cold as Bear Brook State Park in NH in the summer). And we made another stop to see ancient Indian pictographs on the rocks on a small trail up from the water's edge.

2 of the adults on our tour were on a 2 week tour of Oregon, and were from Germany. They had each come to the US as exchange students, he in Texas, she in NJ. They met and married in Germany, and for the last several years have traveled to the US each summer. The young man mentioned that as someone who lives in northern Germany, he has never visited southern Germany, and doesn't know much about it. Sounds like a lot of people in the US.

At any rate, the jet boat ride was great. We'd love to do this again sometime.
Pictures here:

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